Why 2020 Is The Year Of Bitcoin & Business

More And More Enterprises Are Starting To Leverage Bitcoin Technology

Bitcoin is by far the most popular digital asset in the world, with it consistently maintaining nearly 70% dominance over the entire cryptocurrency market cap.

In 2019, we saw yet another year of explosive Bitcoin price increases and further adoption around the world.  Overall though, this has been the year of the institutional Bitcoin. We saw the birth of multiple Bitcoin products from the institutional trading world, such as Bakkt’s physically delivered Bitcoin futures, Fidelity Digital Assets Bitcoin custody solution and TD Ameritrade’s trading offerings.

It’s no wonder why.  In the ever-growing digital asset space, Bitcoin has the best available trading options for both spot and derivatives, it has the longest proven track record, and with that the largest pool of data.

So where does Bitcoin go from here?

The next step on Bitcoin’s path to world domination is in the business world.

As companies look to develop their payment systems and networks, more and more are turning to blockchain technology as a solution.  It offers faster and easier payments over secure networks, with processes built around smart contracts.

Until now, most of the business-based blockchain developments have been done on private and proprietary blockchain protocols, such as R3’s Corda and Hyperledger Fabric.  This allows businesses to customize their blockchain from the ground up, so in theory, they can provide themselves with top tier privacy, scalability, and transaction completion guarantees.  The downside is that developing your own blockchain from the ground up can be very costly, and consumes a great deal of time and personnel as well.

Is all of that really necessary anyway, when a proven network like Bitcoin already exists?  Development on top of the Bitcoin blockchain wasn’t seriously looked at as a credible option by most major businesses until this year when Microsoft announced their new plans this past May.  Their permissionless, Decentralized Identifier (DID) network, christened “ION”, is being designed to run completely on top of the Bitcoin blockchain.

This bold new direction from one of the world’s technology titans triggered a massive shift in the mindset of enterprise developers and is making the prospect of integrating Bitcoin into enterprise development more attractive by the day.  Companies such as Bitfury have already made huge strides with enterprise-focused blockchain solutions such as their blockchain as a service (BaaS), which uses Bitcoin as a base layer.

So what exactly makes Bitcoin such a great option for enterprise-ready development platforms?  The reasons are plentiful:

  • Data integrity – Bitcoin is the most trusted and secure public blockchain.  It’s secured by 97 quintillion hashes per second, a mind-boggling number. It’s also a top priority of Bitcoin’s own developers, and they have shown to be extremely cautious and restrictive about making any changes that could possibly introduce new security issues and compromise the protocol.  It’s also easy to analyze the data with a number of easy-to-use blockchain explorers and surveillance tools available.
  • Smart contracts – Back in 2010, opcodes were taken out of the Bitcoin that led to the prevention of smart contract implementation.  Recent developments have changed all of that though, with projects like Blockstream’s Liquid and the new RSK framework, Schnorr signatures, and Taproot will make smart contracts–like executions possible via sidechains.
  • Reduced costs – With the Lightning Network now existing as a Layer 2 protocol on top of Bitcoin’s blockchain, transactions and payments are now cheaper and faster than ever without compromising security in the slightest.
  • Increased transparency – A native feature of the Bitcoin blockchain.  The developers have stayed away from privacy features seen in other public protocols like MibmelWimble, STARKs, and ZK-snarks.  This is a positive, as these features can make transactions difficult to audit and verify, something business wouldn’t be happy about.

Development on top of the Bitcoin blockchain looks poised to accelerate in the coming year, helped by the critical first-mover advantage and the fact that Bitcoin’s developers aren’t being forced to solve growth issues such as the ones Ethereum and EOS are currently facing.  Add to that the fact that the security concerns that top executives have with the public nature of the blockchain can be solved in the Layer 2 areas. Finally, another blockchain concern, which is the interoperability Bitcoin networks, can be solved using Keep’s tBTC or an Interledger Protocol (ILP) bridge.

As we’ve seen, the Bitcoin protocol has a wide array of advantages of its competition, and that gap will only continue to increase as development speeds up.

What does this mean for the average investor?

As more and more businesses get involved in Bitcoin, it means more and more businesses will purchase Bitcoin.  Which, of course, will naturally lead to further increases in price.

With so many indicators pointing to an incoming bull market in the next few months, now is the ideal time to buy.  Not only are you getting in at a bargain-basement price with the potential for huge growth, but you’ll be protecting your assets as we head into a very uncertain and unpredictable 2020.  Don’t miss out on this opportunity. Act now and reap the benefits.

5 Reasons You Need Crypto in Your Retirement Portfolio

You may have heard of the “60/40” rule for retirement accounts.  In the past, conservative brokers have traditionally recommended putting 60% of your assets in stocks and 40% in bonds.

Just take a look at how that advice is playing out in today’s economic climate.  If you are continuing to follow the 60/40 rule, think again.

Bond yields have seen an alarming plunge and stocks are still near all-time highs, even with dips caused by the coronavirus panic.  Volatility levels have been rising and are showing no signs of slowing down as the world braces for an inevitable recession. Not exactly the time to have all your money in stocks and bonds, right?

Time for a little secret.  Let’s take a hypothetical trip back in time.  It’s 2013. There’s an asset out there that you could add to your portfolio.  It’s called cryptocurrency. You want to play it extra safe and only make it 1% of your total investments.

Guess what?  By 2020, your portfolio with a 1% crypto stake has outperformed the traditional 60/40 portfolio by 20 percent.  The most exciting part? This is just the beginning.

Last year, CNBC reported that the United States government’s Social Security program is set to be insolvent by 2035.  If you’re in your 50’s or younger, don’t count on much help, if any, from Uncle Sam in your golden years. Likewise, the era of company-sponsored pensions is long gone and 401(k) matches are getting worse or disappearing completely.

In fact, “According to some reports, many people under 40 believe they will never retire,” says Morgan Steckler, cryptocurrency retirement fund expert of iTrust Capital.  But for those that are smart enough to get into crypto now, “it could still lead to life-changing returns and give those people that option to retire if they so choose,” Steckler added.

A 2018 study by Ramsay Solutions exposed what could be considered a crisis in this country, revealing that roughly half of Americans are not saving for retirement.  Another study by Bankrate predicts that half of all working households will experience a decrease in their standard of living during their retirement. Is that really what you’ve been working towards and planning for your whole life?

All of these facts aren’t going unnoticed.  We’ve recently seen Fairfax County in Virginia take the groundbreaking step of investing millions of its pension funds into cryptocurrencies.  Even the IRS is on board, having approved crypto IRAs for the general public.

It’s never too late to start planning for your retirement, and it’s still not too early to start investing in cryptocurrency.  If you haven’t seriously considered adding crypto to your portfolio yet, now is the time. Don’t just take our word for it, though.  Let’s take a look at the top reasons why crypto should be a part of your retirement plans.

1.  Diversification

We’ve all heard the saying, it’s as old as the concept of investing itself:  “Never put all your eggs in one basket.” Diversification helps you minimize the risk associated with a single asset, yet still allows you to enjoy the growth of each.

The same applies to your retirement account.  The old-fashioned strategy of only putting stocks and bonds in your tax-deferred retirement accounts is becoming obsolete.  The IRS is fully on board with precious metals, real estate, and cryptocurrencies as part of retirement IRAs.

Any financial advisor worth their salt will recommend diversifying 5-10% into precious metals, and many are now suggesting the same with cryptocurrency.  And why wouldn’t they? As an exciting new asset class that has seen consistent and explosive growth for a decade, it’d be irresponsible not to.

2.  Protection from the Government

Pick a cryptocurrency.  Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, etc.  It doesn’t matter which you choose, no government can control any of them.  It’s literally impossible for Uncle Sam to seize your Bitcoins from your wallet against your will.  They’d need your private key to access your funds. If you didn’t give it to them, then it would take the most powerful computer on earth BILLIONS of years just to crack it.

The government can’t print more digital currency either as they can with paper bills.  Bitcoin, for example, has a set amount of coins, period. All that will ever exist were created with the currency itself.  Outside forces are unable to manipulate it, unlike the Dollar, Euro, Yuan, etc.

With crypto, you’re protected from other nefarious third parties, as well.  Cryptocurrencies don’t use middlemen, so transactions are direct between two parties.  This means that it’s easier, faster, and safer overall.

3.  Long-Term Growth Potential

Despite the fact that we have already seen an enormous amount of growth in the crypto space, we are still in its relative infancy.  The other major asset classes out there such as precious metals, real estate, stocks, and bonds have all had a head start of hundreds or even thousands of years.

Bitcoin has now been around for roughly 10 years, which puts it in a uniquely advantageous position.  We’re currently in the sweet spot where it has a long enough track record to consider it an established and stable commodity, but it’s still in its relative infancy compared to other investment options.

The subsequent upside?  There’s still tremendous growth potential.  Many have been predicting six- and seven-figure values for a single Bitcoin in a few years.  Sound crazy? It’s most of the same people that predicted the rise from a few hundred dollars up to the $10,000 level that we’re hovering around today (and PS, most of them are now filthy rich).

4.  Crypto is Resilient

Back in 2013, the LA Times famously published an article where they smugly declared the death of Bitcoin.  How’d that work out for them? The article has aged quite poorly, to say the least.

Bitcoin has taken beatings both in the media and in the markets.  Detractors and naysayers have been around since the beginning, and they have continually been proven wrong.  Nowadays, if you’re blindly slamming crypto, then prepare to be considered out of touch.

One argument you’ll hear against Bitcoin is the volatility of the market.  Earlier this decade, Bitcoin actually lost 70% of its value practically overnight.  The naysayers won’t tell you how it quickly bounced back and shot up past its previous highs, though.  It’s the same thing that happens every time. Compare that to the stock, bond, or real estate markets, which can take years just to creep back up to previous levels.

5.  It’s Already Mainstream

As we just saw, there’s still a large crowd of crypto-doubters out there.  Another one of their arguments is that Bitcoin and other altcoins are still lacking in mainstream adoption.  When you look at the evidence and trends however, you’ll see that this point just isn’t true anymore in 2020.

Want to order something from Overstock.com?  Grab a bite from a restaurant? Purchase sports tickets?  A computer? Or a trans-Atlantic flight? Well, you’re in luck.  Some of the biggest companies and organizations in the world accept Bitcoin as payment, including Microsoft, Dell, Tesla, the NBA, and Virgin Galactic.  People are even buying houses with crypto these days.

It’s not even a question anymore.  Bitcoin has already taken a foothold in the mainstream.  Add to this the fact that on a global scale, more people have access to the internet than they have to banks or other currency systems.  This is especially the case in developing areas such as Africa, where hundreds of millions of people will gain internet access for the first time in the coming decades.  Given that the supply of Bitcoin is fixed, we’re going to see a massive increase in demand as third world nations develop.

Marcus Swanepoel, Chief Executive of Luno, explains how “Cryptocurrency is uniquely positioned at the apex of technology and finance. It has been lauded as a potential game-changer for society.”  Expect prices to rise accordingly.

It’s Not Too Late

The price of Bitcoin has seen incredible growth, but it’s not too late to get in at what is still a relatively low level.  By investing in cryptocurrencies, you’re not only protecting your portfolio from the volatility of the markets, but you’re setting it up for significant future growth, as well.  Plus, you can save big on taxes by using cryptocurrency to contribute to your retirement IRA. It’s the best of both worlds.

At Regal Assets, we believe in providing you with trusted and proven cryptocurrency investment options.  We take pride in the way we do business and have enjoyed helping our clients grow their portfolios for over a decade now.  Our expert team members work side-by-side with you every step of the way, so you can be sure that your wealth is safe and in a position to grow.

See for yourself what we offer with our FREE Investor’s Kit.  It explains Regal’s IRS-approved investment options and how they work.  We’ll help you choose the right strategy to achieve your goals.


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